Thank you for signing up to receive the amazing energies and healing from Sarasota, Florida for the Lion’s Gate! 

Thank you for signing up to receive the amazing energies and healing from Sarasota, Florida for the Lion’s Gate! 

You will receive an email from me about the healing after it has been sent. This may be on 8/6 or 8/7 depending on your time zone. Please be sure to check your spam folder if you have not received it by August 8th, and if you still do not have it, don’t hesitate to contact me.

To maximize your healing, take a moment during August 5th EST to connect with the energy of the Atlantean Healing Temple, Sarasota, Florida, and me. Allow the energies to flow through you. Setting an intention on what you would like assistance with is also very beneficial. Intentions give the incoming energy a guide on what and where it is needed.

May you have a beautiful and profound Lion’s Gate!

Much love,


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